Prayer Requests, Prayer Groups, Home Groups
Exploring ways to deepen your faith and improve your connection with God.
There may be people who you know, or you become aware of, who are suffering in mind, body, or spirit. People may contact you and ask you and/or the Church for prayer.
Praying for one another is a powerful way for us to bear one another's burdens.
To help us care for people and their prayer requests, we have a circle of people, who are able to support others in this prayerful ministry.
If you would like to join this circle please let the rector Annette know.
If you receive any request for prayer, please make the person aware of this group and ask if they would like and are happy, to receive our prayerful support in this way.
Contact Annette with any prayer requests, being clear that the person's permission to share is required. If you do not have their permission, to comply with data protection, please refer to the person only by their first name and omit any other identifiable information e.g surname, occupation, etc. The request will then be forwarded to the group. All requests will receive our care.
Alternatively, If you would like a special confidential prayer for yourself or for others, complete this form:
Whatever you tell us will be treated with the strictest of confidence.
Requests for special prayer are in the prayer book in the chapel which is open for personal prayers. The regular prayer team remember daily the special requests.
At 6:00pm on the first Friday of every month, a Prayer and Praise Agape service takes place when all are welcome to join with us.
![[Lent Course Promotion]](/images/lent-course.png)
Our Lent Course this year is Held Together in the Love of Christ. It will run on 6 consecutive Tuesdays during Lent.
The course material produced by the Church of England invites us to think about the things that impair relationships identifying six ‘pervading evils’: prejudice, silence, ignorance, fear, hypocrisy, and power.
These ‘evils’ hinder our personal growth as Christians, hurt other people, and create barriers that stop our churches from growing into Christian communities of welcome and belonging. They are the opposite of the fruit of the Spirit. It is easy to see these ‘evils’ in others; the hard work is to see them within ourselves.
It seems particularly important to have a good foundation as we consider our different responses to issues being debated within the national church.
- Session 1: Listening and speaking – addressing Ignorance and paying attention to Power
- Session 2: Talking about confidence and casting out Fear
- Session 3: Talking about respect and acknowledging Prejudice
- Session 4: Talking about openness and speaking into Silence
- Session 5: Talking about integrity and admitting Hypocrisy
There will be a new Bible Study group starting soon run by our Local Lay Minister Jenny Veasey, details to follow shortly.
There will also be an opportunity to join small training groups for those interested in being commissioned to provide pastoral care or in leading worship run by Revd Annette. These will be starting in the summer.