Schools, Cafe, Church Groups, Foodbank
Support and activities for our church members and the community around our church.
There are two schools in the Benefice:
Kintbury is a church school.
The church has strong links with both schools and where possible has representatives on the governing bodies.
![[Photo of Mothering Sunday Alter & flower posies created by the children at Inkpen Primary school]](/images/mothering-sunday-alter-and-flower-posies-created-by-the-children-at-inkpen-primary-school.jpg)
Members of the church lead collective worship and children come into church for services and festivals.
The Friends of St. Mary’s Church Kintbury (Charity number 295387) was launched on the 14th September 1986 with the aim of raising funds to assist the PCC with maintaining the presence and good repair of the ancient church in Kintbury. This is an expensive business.
![[Photo of St Mary's Kintbury covered in snow]](/images/st-marys-kintbury-covered-in-snow.jpg)
The charity is a non-denominational organization who would like to invite the wider community of Kintbury, many not necessarily churchgoers themselves, to become involved with us in the task of preserving the church building as part of our shared heritage, so that its use for varied events remains possible for our community for many years to come.
Funds are raised in the main through a mixture of:
- regular donations by Members of the charity (no amount is too small), and
- proceeds from fund-raising events throughout the year.
Members of the charity are given an opportunity to purchase tickets for an event before they go on general release to the public and are kept informed of the charity’s activities by newsletter twice a year.
The fund-raising events have the additional benefit of bringing the Kintbury community together. They include:
- Plays
- Concerts
- Literary evenings
- Bridge Drives
The charity is run by a committee of volunteers who are always keen to hear of any fund-raising ideas from the Kintbury Community.
The Charity liaises with the PCC who are responsible for authorising and managing any maintenance of the church. The Charity provides the PCC with an agreed figure of money to assist for each project.
Event Photo Gallery

Like to know more?
Anyone who would like to know more about our Charity please contact our secretary (details below).
Three churches in the benefice have bells.
There are six bells at Inkpen but rather than 'swing ring' (which is difficult and takes a lot of practice) because we chime the bells in Inkpen we can, with very little practice achieve change ringing of the same high good quality.
The Bell Ringers at Inkpen If you would like to try and ring a bell and see how you get on please contact the Captain of the Bells:
- Elsa Atkinson
- 01488 668375
Kintbury has 9 bells but sadly the number of local bell ringers has reduced so they are not being rung regularly for services but are rung for special occasions with help from neighbouring groups. They practice at 7.30-8pm on a Thursday evening. For details, please contact:
- Vernon Williams
Combe has three bells that can be chimed. Following a simple practice session volunteer wedding guests are able to ring them to make your day that extra special. Practice session can be arranged through the Churchwarden.
St Mary's Cafe is held on Thursday mornings from 10:30am to 12noon at St Mary's room which is attached to Kintbury church to the right hand side.
![[Photo of People Enjoying the Cafe]](/images/people-enjoying-the-cafe.jpg)
Join us for tea, coffee, biscuits, cake, and simply chat, relax, and share the company of others.
See you there!
The Pop-In-Cafe is a community cafe, a place for people to go and have a chat, catch up and sometimes gain some much needed social interaction.
It's a donation cafe offering free tea, coffee, hot chocolate and cake and biscuits. It's for people to drop in and just have a chat with whoever.
They offer pick up services for those that are interested but struggle to get there.
It's open from 10am to 12:30 midday on the 1st & 3rd Thursday of the month at:
Inkpen Outdoor Sports Pavillion,Inkpen,
RG17 9QA
Why not come and give it a try?
West Berks Foodbank is part of a nationwide network of foodbanks, supported by The Trussell Trust, working to combat poverty and hunger in the area.
Jennifer Bartter of West Berks Foodbank:
At the West Berks Foodbank we don’t think anyone in our community should have to face going hungry. That’s why we now provide seven days’ nutritionally balanced emergency food and support to local people who are referred to us in crisis.
I am the Centre Manager at Hungerford Distribution Centre with 10 other volunteers who work on a rota system. We are open between 1pm and 3pm every Wednesday. Each week we have 4 volunteers on duty:
- someone to greet and offer the client a hot drink
- a listener who will sit and talk to them
- 2 others to pack their food parcel
The Foodbank is a Christian organisation. Each of our sessions is preceded by a time of prayer. We are fortunate at Hungerford that we have the time to sit with the clients and listen to their problems and if appropriate offer support or information as to where they can go for advice. Signposting to areas which will help our clients remains very important.
Since 1 April 2022 at Hungerford Distribution Centre we have seen 242 Households from the Hungerford, Kintbury and Inkpen area feeding 387 adults and 307 children, a total of 694. That is an average of 4-5 families or approximately 13 people each week.
Each client who comes into the centre has been referred to us by an Agency. Throughout West Berkshire we now have over 100 referral agencies such as A2 Dominion, Home Start, Hungerford Family Centre, Sovereign Housing, Citizens Advice, Health visitors, CAP and WBC Cost of Living Hub.
We now have a new emergency number which clients can ring: 0808 208 2138. This is a joint venture between Trussell Trust and Citizens Advice. Clients not only get a voucher enabling them to come into see us and to collect their food parcel but also receive invaluable advice.
After each session on a Wednesday I put in an order to the Warehouse to replace the goods given out. This is delivered the following Tuesday morning for unpacking to be ready for the next day. The driver then takes all donated goods from the churches and Tesco and the Co-op in Hungerford back to the Warehouse where it is weighed in, sorted and recorded.
- Our vision: To end hunger and poverty in the UK.
- Our mission: Bringing communities together to end hunger and poverty in the UK by providing compassionate, practical help with dignity whilst challenging injustice.
If you need food help, please contact us:
- 0808 208 2138
We will help you with your immediate food crisis and signpost you to any further help you might need.
For further detail, please visit: West Berks Foodbank: How to Get Help .
Donate Food
Over 90% of the food distributed by foodbanks in The Trussell Trust network is donated by the public.
If you are able to donate food, please visit: West Berks Foodbank: Give Help: Donate Food for a list of food donation points and the food items that are needed right now.
Donate Money
To make a donation, please visit West Berks Foodbank: Give Help: Donate Money .
Volunteers are at the heart of the foodbank. For a list of the volunteers that the foodbank currently needs, please visit West Berks Foodbank: Give Help: Volunteer .